[ 4 Setembre, 2018; 17:00; ] Better Health and Care, Economic Growth and Sustainable Health Systems This call will aim at reconciling better health and healthy ageing with the need to develop sustainable health and care systems and growth opportunities for the health and care related industries. The scope of the call may range from prevention, diagnosis, stratified approaches, predictive toxicology, the [...]
[ 4 Setembre, 2018; 17:00; ] Through Research Collaborative Projects PRIMA aims to build research and innovation capacities and to develop knowledge and common innovative solutions for agro-food systems, and water provision in the Mediterranean area to make them sustainable DETAILS
[ 12 Setembre, 2018; 17:00; ] The goal of the Individual Fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers, wishing to diversify their individual competence in terms of skill acquisition through advanced training, international and intersectoral mobility. Deadline: 12 September 2018, 17:00:00 CALL DETAILS
[ 15 Setembre, 2018; 17:00; ] Through Research Collaborative Projects PRIMA aims to build research and innovation capacities and to develop knowledge and common innovative solutions for agro-food systems, and water provision in the Mediterranean area to make them sustainable DETAILS
[ 17 Setembre, 2018; 14:00; ] Objectiu: Finançar Projectes de col·laboració entre el MIT (sota el seu format MISTI) i Universitats i Institucions de recerca sense ànim de lucre espanyoles. Els projectes a finançar han de tenir com a objectiu iniciatives de reciclatge o transformació, o creació de fibres tèxtils mitjançant nous mètodes no contaminants, o a partir de residus o [...]
[ 19 Setembre, 2018; 14:00; ] Ho sentim, aquesta entrada es troba disponible únicament en Espanyol Europeu.
[ 20 Setembre, 2018; 14:00; ] Ho sentim, aquesta entrada es troba disponible únicament en Espanyol Europeu.
[ 21 Setembre, 2018; 14:00; ] Subvencions a entitats del Tercer Sector o Organitzacions no Governamentals – 2018