Other R+D Programmes and Calls
In the International and European Project area in the SGI-OTRI you could find information about most of R&D financing programmes:
UNIVERSITIES AND SCIENCES IN FRANCE – Newsletter December 2022 (closed call)
UNIVERSITIES AND SCIENCES IN FRANCE – Newsletter March 2022 (closed call)
Embassy of France in Spain – For Researchers (closed call)
EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) – TRANSANTIONAL CALL 2022 (closed call)
INTERREG EUROPE (closed call)
LIFE 2016 CALL FOR PROPOSAL (closed call)
Call for Proposals JUST/2015/JACC/AG/PROC Justice Programme (closed call)
BIODIVERSA 2015 Joint Call (closed call)
LIFE 2015 CALL FOR PROPOSAL (closed call)
First C-IPM call (closed call)
HERA Joint Research Programme “Uses of the past” (closed call)
JPI Oceans (closed call)
Call for Ebola (closed call)
LIFE 2014 CALL FOR PROPOSAL (closed call)
Convocatoria CYTED 2013 Redes Temáticas (closed call)
JPND 2013 (closed call)
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme. Call for Proposals 2013. AAL-2013-6 (closed call)
LIFE+ 2013 CALL FOR PROPOSALS (closed call)
European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) (closed call)