Other contracts and agreements
In research, in addition to the documents allowing for formalizing R&D activities commissioned to the university, other types of contracts regulating different aspects and situations (collaborative R&D projects, non-disclosure agreements, material transfer agreements, etc.) are frequently necessary. All of these documents are managed by the SGI-OTRI. Here are the most common:
CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTS IN COLLABORATIVE R&D PROJECTS. Collaborative R&D projects are those developed jointly between companies and university researchers within the framework of national and international programmes promoting this collaboration. These kinds of projects are becoming increasingly more frequent. In these projects, and depending upon the specific call, the UMH will be able to participate both as an entity commissioned by the firm (subcontracting modality), as well as in the role of partner with the private entities (collaboration projects). Signing a contract (when one or more companies commission part of the project to the UMH) or an agreement between the partners (by which the rights and obligations of the participating partners in the consortium are regulated) is necessary in both cases. Further information regarding these types of projects may be obtained in this blog. In all cases, if you participate in a project of this nature, contact the SGI-OTRI to sign the most appropriate contract or agreement.
NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEEMENTS. This is a contract regulating the conditions of a legal relationship between one party who divulges confidential information and another who receives it. This situation is frequent in the discussion stage and design of potential collaboration with companies for the development of research projects when results and/or knowledge from previous investigation exist but have not yet been properly protected and, therefore, maintaining secrecy to avoid a loss in their value is necessary. Access the model.
RESEARCH CHAIRS. Within the university autonomy framework established by Law 6/2001 of universities, the UMH can create this type of special chair as specific structures giving research support, assigned to a university department or research institute. They are proposed by a researcher under the initiative of a company or institution that finances and sponsors the chair’s activities by signing an agreement with the university and with previous authorization of the competent university body.
MATERIAL TRANSFER AGREEMENT (MTA). An agreement governing the transfer of the possession of biological material between two parties. In general, the biological material transferred includes intellectual property rights that must be protected. Furthermore, agreements of this type usually place restrictions upon who can possess it, among other things, in order to protect the material’s commercial value. In case you require signing a contract of this type, please contact the SGI-OTRI.
RESULT EXPLOITATION CONTRACT. This refers to diverse contractual instruments related to the exploitation of the UMH’s intellectual property rights as a means to transfer the knowledge generated at the university to society. Proof of concept, patent, and know-how license agreements, etc., lie within these types of contracts. Further information regarding these types of contracts may be obtained in this blog.