Premios Tesis Doctorales sobre Violencia de Género
Premio de Investigación_ CES Provincia Jaén _ Resumen SGI-OTRI Díptico Bases IX Premio invest Formulario Inscripción
DOCUMENTACIÓN A PRESENTAR Documentos de solicitud MODALIDAD A: Ayudas Margarita Salas para la formación de jóvenes doctores Impreso de solicitud Curriculum vitae abreviado de la persona candidata (CVA) Documento de aceptación y aval del Director del Departamento y grupo de investigación de la UMH a efectos de adscripción del candidato beneficiario Historial científico-técnico del grupo...
Convocatoria de ayudas para financiar proyectos del “Programa Misiones de I+D en Inteligencia Artificial (IA) 2021” Plazo SGI-OTRI: Comunicar antes del 21 de julio de 2021 Más información
Premios Fundación FEINDEF a la Innovación _ Resumen SGI-OTRI
The work program is organized in different destinations where the specific calls are included (Open calls 2021 and forthcoming calls 2022). For deadline information, please check each destination specified on the attached file. More information
The work program is organized in different destinations where the specific calls are included (Open calls 2021 and forthcoming calls 2022). For deadline information, please check each destination specified on the attached file. More information
The work program is organized in different destinations where the specific calls are included (Open calls 2021 and forthcoming calls 2022). For deadline information, please check each destination specified on the attached file. More information
La presente convocatoria pretende facilitar la incorporación temporal del personal docente universitario y de investigadores a universidades, grandes instalaciones, laboratorios y centros de investigación extranjeros, con de forma que puedan ampliar sus conocimientos y mejorar su competencia académica, en beneficio de los sistemas universitario y de I+D+i españoles. Con este objetivo, esta convocatoria recoge dentro...
A resilient EU prepared for emerging threats; High quality digital services for all; and A competitive and secure data-economy. More specifically, cluster 1 aims to contribute to six expected impacts (Open calls 2021 and forthcoming calls 2022). For deadline information, please check each destination specified on the attached file. More information
The work program is organized in different destinations where the specific calls are included (Open calls 2021 and forthcoming calls 2022). For deadline information, please check each destination specified on the attached file. More information
Premio Remedios Caro Almela Neurobiología del Desarrollo _ Resumen SGI-OTRI
ERC Advanced Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal. Deadline: 31 August 2021 17:00:00 Brussels time More details
Premio Nacional de Sociología y Ciencia Política _ Resumen SGI-OTRI
Becas introducción a la investigación - JAE Intro SOMdM 2021_ Resumen SGI-OTRI