Interreg Euro-Med
Otros Programas y Convocatorias de I+D+i
15 marzo 2022
The Interreg Euro-MED Programme is a European territorial cooperation programme at transnational level. Its general objective is contained both in the word «cooperation» and in the three adjectives that define it by regulation: territorial, European, transnational. Its mission is to find, transfer and apply solutions to the problems identified as priorities in the fields of innovation, economy, environment (described below) through multicultural and multi-stakeholder (public and private) partnerships within projects whose main target will be the needs of the territories and populations of the Mediterranean. This will constitute the general objective of Interreg Euro-MED: to promote joint reflection in order to implement shared solutions and thus strengthen the cohesion of our European area. However, such an objective can only be achieved if the challenges to be addressed are narrowed, identified and accepted by all stakeholders.
Deadline: 24th May 2022 at noon (Brussels time)